Thursday, August 20, 2015

School days!

School has started and both kids are loving every minute of it!

Aiden started preschool and goes full days Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays. This is a change for him as he still takes a 2-3 hour nap when at home or Kami's. However, he is quickly adjusting to only having an hour or so of "rest time" at school. He still naps which is nice but he's very tired when he gets home which can lead to very cranky three year old some nights. They say this gets better as his body adjust to the change. I just hope nap time continues at home, its very much needed on my days off!

Other then that he really enjoys school and gets very excited when we get him up in the mornings. Which if you know Aiden, mornings can be a struggle. He is NOT a morning person and hates to be woke up, so we were pleasantly surprised when this task ended up being so easy. We will see if this lasts!

He also likes eating breakfast and lunch at school. In fact I packed his lunch one day and the teacher told me that he decided he wanted to eat school lunch. Perfect we will go with it, easier on me!!

He loves coming home and telling us about his day. He says Wednesdays are his favorite because they are chapel days and he gets to see the "big" kids. His school is pre-k -grade 12 and the older kids love seeing the little's and the little's love seeing the big kids! We are so excited that he is excited!

As for Ava, this has been an adjustment for her. Not only is she the baby and a mommas girl. She is a Ms. Kami's girl also. We have been very fortunate to have a in home sitter for our children and I was able to work part time for the most part but we felt she really needed some social interaction with kids her own age. She is very shy and very clingy in new situations. I think this will be such a good thing for her and she's slowly coming out of her shell.

She only goes to Mothers Day Out one day a week which is a good start for her. Ryan drops her off and my mom picks her up. Ryan says she cries when they walk in but her teacher is so wonderful and texts/emails me throughout  the day to let me know she is quickly calmed and is participating in daily activities. In fact when my mom picked her up yesterday she was playing and telling everyone "bye" as she walked out. I think this is going to be a great start for her!

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